
Welcome to the Southern Africa Genealogy pages.

Zimbabwe has much rich family history and together we share a rich heritage stretching back well over the last millenia. Some believe we are all connectied in one big family tree!

This site collects together some basic data sources and useful genealogy links, some of which may enable you to contribute to your family's history.

Many Zimbabweans, or if you prefer Rhodesians or Southern Rhodesians, wishing to research their family histories may find useful resources here. If you have other useful links, not listed here, please contact the web administrator. We particular encourage participation of researchers on a free subscription, collaborative, family tree site, WikiTree.

Our interest, presently, is the collection of cemeteries and graves information. Gravestones provide much genealogically pertinent data. We are attemption to encourage the photography of grave stones and submission of listing of the various graveyards in Zimbabwe, that will be collated within WikiTree.

This site is work in progress, so please return soon.